Bezpieczeństwo: Próby włamania na serwery eKNF w roku 2019

Statystyki ze względu na kraj pochodzenia ataku:
Pamiętajcie: eKNF jest systemem dostępnym przez Internet.
1. Jak bezpieczne jest Twoje hasło? (powinno mieć minimum 10 znaków długości, zawierać wielkie i małe litery, cyfry, i znaki specjalne)
2. Czy Twoja firma ograniczyła dostęp do eKNF tylko do wybranych adresów IP? *
3. Czy we wszystkich GDSach, z których korzystasz, wyłączone zostało przesyłanie do back-office numerów kart kredytowych klientów? *
*Jeśli nie jesteś pewny/pewna odpowiedzi na te pytania – koniecznie skontaktuj się z nami!

Nowe funkcjonalności w oknie Flight Refund

Wprowadziliśmy możliwość edycji maili podróżnych, których należy powiadomić o przysługującym im prawie do ubiegania się o odszkodowanie za opóźniony lot, oraz filtr pozwalający na wyszukanie tylko podróżnych z już uzupełnionym mailem, bez maila, i wszystkich


Biura zainteresowane współpracą z firmą Flight Refund, specjalizującą się w dochodzeniu odszkodowań za opóźnione/odwołane rejsy zapraszamy na stronę naszego partnera:

Sabre – Transmission of refunds to mid-office systems


This is a reminder, that the transmission of refunds from Sabre to mid office systems is not automatic.
After the refund transaction was completed, you need to send it to the mid office with the following command:


Where A2 is a reference to the Accounting Line created when the refund was processed.

(Instruction by the courtesy of Sabre)

Blue Air in eKNF

Blue Air is now added to the list of low cost airlines supported by automatic import procedure in eKNF

eKNF supports as of today automatic import from the following low-cost carriers:

eKNF – Automatic import of ADM / ACM documents


We proudly announce another process innovation in eKNF:
ADM, ACM, and BSP Link Refunds, are now available for automatic invoicing in eKNF.
Import BSP file into eKNF… and that’s it: ADM, ACM etc. are here


Our Account Managers are ready to help, explain, and teach.

eKNF – Hotel Desktop – new features available in the hotel booking file

Hotel Desktop module is enriched with new features.

The most important are:

1. The ability enter multiple room information with guests and prices assigned to individual rooms.
2. The ability to set separate prices for each room in the booking.
3. New ways of setting and calculating transaction fees (per room, guest, booking, divided by the number of guests)
4. Extended Cost side of the transaction, with the ability to enter, attach, and reconcile cost documents and invoices)



Sunset of VMCO and VMPD documents

Virtual Miscellaneous Charge Order (VMCO) and Virtual Multi-Purpose Document (VMPD) are not issued any more in IATA Billing and Settlement Plan (BSP) markets from 1 January 2014.

Both types are replaced by EMD

Supertour Lufthansa City Center chose eKNF

We proudly announce Supertour made the decision to implement eKNF in all their locations. It is the fourth Lufthansa City Centre member to choose Mikrosystem as their mid-office provider.  We shall not fail that trust.

eKNF – electronic archive of ‘agent coupons’ and related documents

W launched the project of the storage of agent coupons and related documents in electronic format.  The aim is to replace the outdated method of storing the documents of that type in paper format in favour of electronic archive being part of eKNF system.
The first to declare assistance was Travelport. We continue to asses  the capability of the other GDSes.
We expect the pilot version of the new functionality will be launched in May 2013.
To be continued…

Travel Service implemented eKNF

We have the pleasure to inform that the Travel Service offices have joined the community of eKNF users. It is the fourth member of the Lufthansa City Centre group to implement our information systems.

Amadeus: Invoicing of ‘ancillary services’ MCO in KNF and eKNF

Together with Amadeus we are working on the definition of the agency profile settings appropriate for the transfer of the full information concerning the ancillary services MCO document to KNF and eKNF systems.

The introduction of the new settings will allow for the fully automatic invoicing and reporting of such documents in our systems. Currently the default agency settings in Amadeus cause vital info concerning such transactions to be missing in the data transferred to the back-office systems. We would like to thank Amadeus for the quick diagnosis and reaction on the reported issue.

eKNF – Automatic invoicing of Ryanair and Wizzair tickets

We have activated automatic interface for reading and invoicing of airline tickets issued by Ryanair and Wizzair

The transferred tickets are available in eKNF in the same way as tickets issued through GDSes. The new functionality is available for all eKNF users.

Based on the same technology we are implementing the interfaces to other carriers popular in the region and not available through GDS systems.

eKNF – Automatic invoicing of OLT Express tickets!

We have activated automatic interface for reading and invoicing of airline tickets issued by OLT Express.

The transferred tickets are available in eKNF in the same way as tickets issued through GDSes. The new functionality is available for all eKNF users.

Based on the same technology we are planning to activate in the near future interfaces to other carriers popular in the region and not available through GDS systems.

Andrzej Kochan was awarded Ph Degree yesterday!

We proudly announce that yesterday, at the Transport Department of the Warsaw University of Technology our colleague Andrzej Kochan successfully defended his PhD work:  ‘Method of designing computer systems for railway traffic operation management’

In our company Andrzej is leading the eKNF project – the most technologically advanced mid-office system designed for large travel agencies available in our market

His is the first title of that level in the history of our company (albeit not the last, we hope)

Congratulations, Doctor!

eKNF data validation tools presented on BCD conference in Warsaw

Mikrosystem took part in BCD conference in Warsaw on 4-5 May 2011.

The conference was focused on automation and data validation tools designed to improve the quality of the data in BCD information systems. Mikrosystem presented eKNF data verification and validation tools available in the system on various stages of order processing.

eKNF is currently the only mid-office system in the region certified to export data in accordance with GRO 2.08 specification and capable of the automatic data export do the BCD information system.

Mikrosystem on BCD Conference in Cairo

Mikrosystem takes part in BCD EMEA Partner Network Conference in Cairo: 30 Nov-02 Dec 2010.
We were invited to present our most recent product: mid office system eKNF designed and developed for BCD and equipped with specialized GRO validation and export tools.

Flight Finder – new translation utility

Flight Finder – new web based translation utility will soon become available.

The new tool allows travel agencies using Flight Finder automatically add translations to new languages.